How has motherhood changed you? I was always a person who was responsible but motherhood has really increased that, I find that I am much more organised because of the endless list of things that need to be done! I finally understand what patience means, and though I’m still impatient by nature, I now know how to count to ten and breathe before I react. (Well…some of the time.)
Going with the flow has taken on a whole new meaning. Expecting the unexpected is crucial for our sanity.
Perfectionism is not allowed so learning to be OK with less than perfect is hard…but so necessary.
Coffee is my new best friend. So is wine.
Most importantly our children are our mirrors, and they make me want to be a better person every single day. Less judging, more positivity, a healthy self image… it’s amazing to me how much we grow into ourselves once we have children.
What are the greatest lessons motherhood has taught you? There are so many stages of motherhood, and they all have their challenges and blessings but the joy is in the journey. You’ll never do anything so hard and yet so gratifying. The greatest work any of us will ever do will be within the walls of our homes. Pretty much every last quote, pin, or cliche about motherhood is right on! I was pretty hung up on perfection in my early years as a mother, but Im not now. I love being an imperfect mother and going along for the ride. If you really stop to think about it, motherhood is just one big unfinished project free of deadlines! Its never ending! Motherhood is not about who makes the best cupcakes, who feeds their kids organic food, who's kid is healthy or not, who goes to or who puts in the most hours at the school. Save your mental and physical energy for things that really matter, like a good long talk an afternoon play.
What piece of advice would you like to share with other Mums about motherhood? Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Don’t think of mothering as a tough gig rather an adventure that can be broken up into many fun aspects. It's not about being the best mum, its about being the best version of yourself as a mum and being happy and positive around your kids. Accept the hard times wont last forever and every challenge prepares you for the next.
What is the most challenging aspect about motherhood for you? Dealing with their new attitudes, having other children influence their behaviour, accepting my babies are growing up, juggling childcare with school holidays. Eating all the food in the house!!!!!! Now we are on the West Coast we are away from all family still…and its hard especially as they get older to miss out on a lot of moments.
How do you find balance in your life especially with your husband and close friendships? Tag teaming, helping one another out, isn’t a hard thing to balance out when you’ve got a good support system with friends and family. We don’t have any family here in Perth but a few friends have been crucial to providing some support here and a husband who is a pretty awesome father too!
How do you manage time with your family, fitness and work each week? Can you share any tips? Everything in moderation which means there is healthy balance. It's not about just eating right and exercise. It's about a positive outlook, good daily habits, and lowering stress. We all get bogged down with work and family responsibilities but no one will benefit if you cant keep up.
Make a commitment, commitment turns into dedication, which can lead to a new passion and that leads to results. Boost your happiness, that is whatever makes you smile…fully embrace great things you have in life other than kids. Enjoy exercise for good mental health, make time to eat right, it will give you energy and boost your spirits. Keep it simple. Make me time..socialising is very important to me and being around positive people who can make you laugh is the ultimate relaxation for me. I prefer to be around people to switch off not be on my own. Im not a homebody!
How will you be staying healthy over the holiday period? On holidays not much really changes for me because my lifestyle is based around being active and eating healthy. No doubt there will be less intense exercise and a bit more food and alcohol but having developed good habits mean the short period of change wont affect me much.
How will you be celebrating Christmas this year? We will be on the Gold Coast with my mother. It will be a special one as we have a lot of family visiting and I cant wait for hours on end of playtime at the beach.
What is your favourite PONO product and recipe? Coconut recipe is needed when you just eat from the spoon!! We also add it to our smoothies…its made them taste delicious!

Thank you Lisa!