I hope you love this one-on-one with the beautiful Carly!
Tell us about @carlyamcdonagh; what drove you to start it?
It started as a hobby sharing honest moments of our lives and some pretty pictures. I enjoy photography so it has always been a creative outlet for me. My audience gradually grew and some amazing opportunities presented themselves so I am very grateful that I get to do something I love and while being able to stay at home with my boys.
How has motherhood changed you?
Motherhood forces you to be selfless. Putting the needs of your babies before your own is the biggest change I think anyone can face. I would also say I am much more confident in myself now and my priorities have definitely changed.
What are the greatest lessons motherhood has taught you?
That time is so precious. Watching how fast your babies grow makes you realise how quickly time passes and those moments you will never get back again. Be present, always.
What piece of advice would you like to share with other Mums about motherhood?
Always trust your instincts, do what feels right for you and your baby. And know that you are not alone. When you feel deep in the trenches of motherhood, just know that there are so many other mums out there in the exact same position
What is the most challenging aspect about motherhood for you?
Patience. You have to have a lot of it and sometimes I struggle with that. I also get really overwhelmed easily.
What drives you to maintain a healthy lifestyle for yourself and your family?
So, I can keep up to the demands of my boys, they are full of energy and non-stop! Also, I can be a positive role model for them. I want them to grow up to be healthy and active and the best way to teach them that is be show them.
How do you find balance in your life? Can you share any tips?
I try to be organised and plan out my week. I try to always schedule in a little me time where I can but it doesn’t always happen but it is so important to look after yourself, not only physically but mentally.
What 3 things could you not live without?
- My family, of course.
- Chocolate
- Holidays/Travel.
What is your favourite PONO product and why?
The coconut probiotics because it’s amazing and also tastes amazing and of course the baby probiotics for the boys.
Thank you Carly!
Instagram | @carlyamcdonagh