MUMMA MUSE WITH ALICE aka @aliceinhealthyland

We featured the beautiful Alice from @aliceinhealthyland over a year ago and a lot can change in 1 year. One thing that has not changed is our love for this woman.
This down to earth mumma shares her passions across her feed - delicious healthy recipes, her journey with motherhood, self love and keeping active.
We hope you love our one-on-one with Alice.
Tell us about @aliceinhealthyland; what drove you to start the blog?
I started Alice In Healthyland in 2014. I wanted to start an Instagram account to keep me accountable for living a healthier lifestyle. Kind of like a diary. I found it a great way to connect with like-minded people. Pre children I lost 20Kg, I had spent a lot of my early twenties partying every weekend. I decided I had to change my life around. Soon after the weight loss, I wanted to start trying for children. It took me some time to fall pregnant too and I would get so upset seeing those failed pregnancy tests each month. My mind shifted quite a bit on Instagram when I fell pregnant. I found this new love and respect for body. I felt more gratitude in each day and wanted to share that more with my community I had created on the platform. Being pregnant brought new connections and more ideas on what to blog about. Fast forward to 2019 and we now have 3 beautiful children. Cruz 3, Winter Rose 2 and Lottie 6 months. They are a huge part of my WHY for sharing with my community. My hubby Dave is pretty great at supporting me with the work that comes with the blog too. So my page is filled with Mumma Hood, Recipes, Self-Love discussions and workouts.
How has motherhood changed you?
Well for starters it has taught me about a love I never knew existed. Motherhood has most defiantly changed me in profound ways. It has pushed me at times until I thought I would reach breaking point, but every time I hold on and prove to myself that we as a family can get through anything.
What are the greatest lessons motherhood has taught you?
Patience!!! Yes, this for sure! Before children if you wanted to head out the door to run to the shops, you only really had to care for yourself. Hahaha getting 3 children to the shops, dressed, fed, watered, nappy bag, seat belts... well that’s a real art. Especially if you child what to be independent with their daily tasks haha!! Patience and take deep breathes every time you repeat WTF to yourself.
What piece of advice would you like to share with other Mums about motherhood?
Follow your gut feeling and do you! You will always hear so much advice from other mummas at mums groups, your mum, your bestie, you sister in law and online. Take small snippets of what they say into consideration but remember it might not work for you. YOU DO YOU and own it with confidence, Sure you may make mistakes but that’s how you learn.
What is the most challenging aspect about motherhood for you?
I think I said this last time you asked, it is that I won’t always be able to protect my little ones from the world all the time. Sure, I can teach and guide them about the ups and downs of life, share the dangers with them when they are old enough, however I won't be able to protect them all the time. That scares the bejibbies out of me.
What drives you to maintain a healthy lifestyle for yourself and your family?
Being a nurse, I see so many patients that are so unwell. It breaks my heart. I like to lead by example with moving my body daily and do my best at nourishing my family with wholesome foods. No, I may not be an expert in all fields, but I do love to research health and wellness every day. I love to educate myself. I believe that teaching them about wellness and how to maintain it themselves when they get older is the best gift I can give them, besides loving them of course.
How do you find balance in your life especially with your husband and close friendships?
My husband and I are always so supportive of letting each other take time for our self and letting each other explore our own personal goals and dreams. I do however find it time to enjoy “just us” time. The bed time routine with three children can be hectic. Plus, both our mummas work full time. We really try to enjoy time a little at night, maybe a meal alone or netflix on the couch. Life can get hectic but making time for good relationships with family, friends and each other is so important to us. I have really tried to look at who really are our close friends and work on those special relationships. My circle may have got smaller but there is a whole lot of love and good friendships by doing so.
How do you manage time with your family and work each week? can you share any tips?
It all depends on the day. When my husband is at work it is 12-14hr day shifts. So, I solo parent the children from when they wake to bed time. When he is home, he allows me to go to do some work and he will take the children. He is so supportive like that. If the bed routine works out, there is time there. With Alice In Healthyland, I am really trying to establish close knit relationships with brands that genuinely want to work with me. Alice In Healthyland is my business and takes a lot of time to run it can take me away from my children a lot. I am moving towards more paid partnerships rather than lots of gifted product reviews. I am on mat leave from Nursing and I own an essential oil business too @aliceinessentialoilland which I LOVE doing.
- Have a family wall calendar so everyone can see what is on that day. LESS FIGHTING etc and everyone knows the plan.
- Communicate with your partner and your children. Explain why you are working in front of them etc.
- Make time to hang out with your family, NO TECHNOLOGY.
- Wake up early, move your body and get to work before the kids work! Its AMAZING, you get so much done when you don’t have any distractions. Just focus on one task and get it done!!
- Get the children’s clothes out the night before and always pack them a lunch if they are home or not because they always want snacks
What is your favourite PONO product and recipe?
My current favourite is my Coconut Rough Smoothie - Recipe HERE
What are 3 things you cannot live without?
- My Essential Oils!
- Water
- Exercise
What is your favourite quote to live by?
Thank you Alice!
Images by Tahlia @