MUMMA MUSE WITH Rachael AKA @champagnesilvousplait_

I hope you love this one-on-one with the beautiful Rachael!
Tell us about @champagnesilvousplait_; what drove you to start it?
I have always loved fashion and being creative, when I started CSVP I was running my own fashion label, a mum, dealing with secondary infertility and I wanted something that was just for me. I initially chose my handle because, well a. I love champagne, but b. because I thought no one would be able to find my secret hobby! But (thankfully) I was wrong and organically over the last almost four years it has become such a beautiful community that I love.
How has motherhood changed you?
I found myself in motherhood. I struggled with insecurity and self-acceptance for as long as I can remember but creating humans and becoming responsible for raising good people really put a lot of things into perspective for me. There is nothing more important than my two boys to me.
What are the greatest lessons motherhood has taught you?
I am stronger than I think. There is nothing that I wouldn’t do to better my children’s lives and I have had to make difficult decisions and put myself in uncomfortable situations for that to happen, which is something I wouldn’t have done for myself previously.
What piece of advice would you like to share with other Mums about motherhood?
You cannot do it all, but you don’t have to in order to be the best Mother you can be. You WILL always drop a ball (or five) and that is okay, learn to be okay with a dirty house with a teething baby or ordering take-out when you have had a busy day.
What is the most challenging aspect about motherhood for you?
Balance. I’m terrible at it. I want to do it all and be it all and often forget to just relax and chill out, which is probably all my boys want me to do!
How do you like to start your day? Any rituals?
For me it’s a coffee! I *need* that coffee in the morning! For the boys it’s a smoothie, which you know if you watch my Instastories! It’s often the first thing my youngest will ask for, and they LOVE to have their smoothie in our bed! Such lushes ha ha!
What drives you to maintain a healthy lifestyle for yourself and your family?
I didn’t have children as young as I would have liked and I want to be here and as hands on for my boys and (cross fingers) their children for as long as I possibly can.
How do you find balance in your life? Can you share any tips?
Erm. See above ha ha! Do as I say not as I do! For me I can’t find balance if I don’t feet connected with my family, so for us it’s important to remove ourselves from the house and our responsibilities even just for a day (heading to the beach, or a big walk and picnic in a park etc) and just BE with each other. It’s easier to find the balance in your priorities when you remember what they are.
What 3 things could you not live without?
Aside from my husband and children? My best friend Dianne, coffee and sunshine!
What is your ideal holiday destination, and why?
I actually love the beach in Winter, Queensland Winter that is! BUT we are desperate to visit Tasmania and New Zealand as I’ve never been to either! Maybe one of them will become my favourite.
What is your favourite quote to live by?
“At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou
What is your go-to PONO Recipe?
The boys have THEIR smoothie and they do NOT like it when I deviate from it! For two boy sized smoothies: 2 Bananas, ½ Cup Greek Yoghurt, 2 Teaspoons Cacao Powder, 2 Teaspoons Gorgeous Greens, 2 Teaspoons Coconut Plus Probiotics, some honey and topped with milk. We recently ran out of our Gorgeous Greens and every morning my eldest asks me what’s wrong with his Smoothie!
Thank you Rachael!
Instagram | @champagnesilvousplait_