Travel health traps (and how probiotics can help avoid them)

Written by: Jen Cox - AdvDip NAT + WHM. @keeperandkin
Winter is in full swing now and most of us are properly over it. So much so - that for Aussies in July - the national pastimes include 1. Footy and 2. Googling ‘cheapest flights to Bali’ at least six times before midday. While island holidays are of course fabulous, getting there is decidedly… not. So let’s take a moment to address the bad and the ugly that come along with a good ol’ sunshine escape.
Airports are stressful
This point can be multiplied to the power of infinity if you are travelling with kids. Fatigue, racing to the gate and negotiating epic floor-based tantrums are enough to make any parent want to curl up in a corner of the bathroom. Please don’t - airport bathrooms are cursed places. Instead, make sure you’re across box breathing and the many probiotic strains that have been found to assist with stress and anxiety. Probiotics help in multiple ways. Reducing inflammation is one of them, while operating as fancy little fellows called psychobiotics another. If you’re keen to know more about these -read up on our blog over here.
Pro Tip: our Coconut Plus is chock-a-block with psychobiotics. If you find travel particularly stressful, be sure to stow away an unopened packet in your luggage.
Flying is dehydrating.
Staying hydrated is tricky in flight, mainly because airplanes at altitude are drier than a literal desert. Health wise this is bad for most things, though when it comes to travel in particular, maintaining a healthy digestive lining and staying regular take a real hit. That’s because a depleted, less-than-lucious mucosal barrier is easy to penetrate. This translates to increased susceptibility to food borne bugs (oh hi, travel diarrhea!) Paradoxically, this also means you’re more likely to get backed up. Supplementing with probiotics will help keep both ends of that spectrum in balance so that you can focus on lazing pool side rather than hugging a toilet bowl.
Pro Tip: Dehydration doesn’t age discriminate. If you’re travelling with kids make sure the whole family are protected and share the blend with your tribe. Our Baby Probiotic offers TLC to any digestive system in distress, all the way from the biggest to smallest bods.
Fatigue reduces your immunity.
Time zone changes, late nights of glorious debauchery (hopefully?) and even more late nights settling out-of-routine kids (definitely) all contribute to lowered immune defence when you travel. Most of your immune system is based around the gut, so probiotics get a strong say in how well protected you are when you travel.
Pro Tip: This impact is not instant, so repeat after me: I solemnly swear to start taking my probiotics before I go away. The clever beans at News Medical would have us pinky promise to start probiotic supplementation 2 weeks prior to take off - and to continue throughout the duration of your travel - to gain the most from their immune wizardry.
Travel can make you bloated.
The combo of stress, new foods and an undeniable penchant for mojitos all spell one thing. Bloating. Thankfully, one of the true joys of probiotics is they’re anti-bloat. Assisting digestion, managing allergy responses and limiting food fermentation in the gut are a few things they routinely do - all of which result in a flatter midsection.
Pro Tip: Our Gorgeous Greens powder has loads of probiotics and enzymatic support to help break down the treats you enjoy on island time. This will also sneak in greens to your diet and make the perfect addition to those warm weather smoothie bowls you’re rocking.