What should I expect when starting a probiotic?

Written by: Jen Cox - AdvDip NAT + WHM. @keeperandkin
How long does it take for them to start working?
This varies from person to person and is connected to lifestyle factors. Your microbiome is a stable environment, but not static which means change involves consistency and time. Some people will see results in as little as a few days, while for others it may take several weeks. Keep at it and if it helps, log a symptom diary to track your progress and remind yourself why you started.
PRO TIP: Using a quality prebiotic like Nourishing Reds ensures your little mates get the food they need daily. This also means they’re likely to set up camp, reproduce and stick around for the long haul creating lasting positive change to your microbiome.
Will I get bloated?
You may but this won’t last forever. Any change to the microflora in your digestive system is likely to produce some gas. Think of it as a transition period while the good guys move in and the bad tenants shift out.
What about other digestive symptoms?
You may also experience some loose bowels during the transition phase. If this happens, we recommend you reduce your intake by half and see how you feel for a week at that dosage… Working up to a full dose is perfectly OK! If symptoms persist or are severe, take a break and check in with your health practitioner.
What else can I do to support my probiotic regime?
Taking the time to manage stress, drink more water and eat lots of plants will always help this process. There is evidence that eating a plant based diet can change the microflora in your gut within just a few days! Your tribe on the inside is very much influenced by those everyday things that are easy to do… and just as easy not to do. Meeting your minimums for fruit, vegetables, exercise and hydration go a long way towards creating the kind of environment good bacteria like.
PRO TIP: If you’re looking for a way to work on the other factors that drastically influence your gut microbiome, why not try the PONO 28 DAY WELLNESS CHALLENGE. It’s free and you can start it any time right here.
Does it matter if I don’t keep them in the fridge after opening?
Yep, it does. Probiotics are sensitive souls. They’re likely to have their overall potency reduced if you don’t keep those babies stable and cool when open and not in use. They’re also not big fans of being blitzed for long periods of time, so please add them in at the end of your smoothie making process rather than at the start… it helps them feel safe and loved.
PRO TIP: We like to keep our PONO next to the almond milk and blueberries in the fridge for a one stop smoothie prep station.