Allow me to reintroduce myself - Gorgeous Greens

Written by: Jen Cox - AdvDip NAT + WHM. @keeperandkin
At PONO, we love a glow up. So, we’re excited to announce that our Gorgeous Greens has undergone some fabulous renovations to become its peak self. We’ve transformed this blend into the butterfly it was always meant to be... a chlorophyll-good balance of greens, broad-spectrum probiotics, prebiotics and other gut lovin’ ingredients.
Can you tell that we love it? Just a bit. let’s run through the A-team.
Bifidobacterium longum: all hail the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Queen. This little friendly is great for both over AND underactive tums. Best known for performing on the tummy tightrope to create some serious magic when needed for your very own gut balancing act.
Bifidobacterium Bifidum: the protective sort, this probiotic is excellent defence against infections of all kinds. Pro tip: If you want to prevent the mass die off probiotics that’s associated with antibiotic treatment, this one’s your go-to.
Lactobacillus acidophilus: talk about an all-rounder. From improving immune responses to balancing weight and cholesterol, this probiotic is quite the go getter and will volunteer for just about any wellness task you can throw at it.
Lactobacillus Gasseri: these tough cookies suppress harmful bacteria and fungi, which makes them a champion of women's health. Some evidence suggests they help lower menstrual pain and can dabble in weight loss support too. How terribly considerate.
Mung Bean powder, Fructooligosacharides and Inulin: Nobody does their best work on an empty stomach - which is why we send our broad-spectrum probiotics out into the wild with some snacks. These are called prebiotics (the food your probiotics eat) and have been added in to prevent any hangry behaviour from our friendly bacteria. Best known for helping your probiotics be their best selves.
Xylitol: Who knew such a hard-working sweetheart could be so low in calories? Xylitol is loaded with natural flavour, without the icky sugar health price tag.
Spirulina, Chlorella and Organic Wheat grass powder: not only are greens fabulous for metabolism, they’re all gut health powerhouses in their own right. Loved by probiotics as a food and environmental support, they boost function of the blend, too. They’re also jam packed with antioxidants for healthy skin, hair and eyes - which means these three ingredients truly put the Gorgeous in Greens.
Papaya fruit extract: rich in enzymes that help to break down food, papaya is the sworn enemy of bloating. This also makes it your flat tum BFF, great for improving digestive processes and promoting regularity. Umm, yes please! Welcome to the blend.